Admission Policies

Admission Policies (Requirements and Procedure)
The process of admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Music program requires:
•    A copy of high school diploma and/or transcript
•    If applicable, college/university transcripts
•    A California Arts University Application
•    A letter of recommendation
•    A personal audition or a recent video recording if necessary

The process of admission to the Master of Music program requires:
• A bachelor’s degree or its equivalent
• An official transcript from the current and previous college/university
• A California Arts University Application
• A letter of recommendation
• A personal audition or a recent video recording if necessary
• Graduate diagnostic examinations for new graduate students

The process of admission to Doctor of Musical Arts program requires:
•    A Master’s degree or its equivalent
•    An official transcript from the current and previous college/university
•    A California Arts University Application
•    A letter of recommendation
•    A personal audition or a recent video recording if necessary
•    Graduate diagnostic examinations for new graduate students

A personal audition may be required of all graduate applicants. A video recording may be submitted in lieu of an audition for applicants who do not live in Southern California. Auditions are administered on the CAU campus. Exception considered for unusual case.